Sunday, October 11, 2009

Poor Little Doggie at the Roadside

12 Oct 2009, 10:11 am
On my way to work today I saw a poor little doggie at the roadside somewhere along Jalan Lintas Sibuga Highway.. At first I thought it was a sheep... a dirty sheep but as I drove further only then I realized it was a dog.. a long-hairy dog. This little dog was so dirty, mud covered all the body and head. It seems like for years this poor little thing didnt receive any proper treatment or even shower.. wat a cruel owner !!! this poor little thing wouldnt be in such a way if the owner takes good care of him/her. He/ She seems looking around for food or perhaps looking for help.. wish that someone would come and save him/her.
I continued to drive but my mind couldnt stop thinking about this poor little doggie as I drive to office.. So I took a U turn and think of doing something...... I drove slowly along the highway..and I saw this poor doggie again at the roadside..this time he/she lifted up its head and stared at me as my car passed through him/her slowly.. I felt so pity for this poor thing. I looked closer..all the hair were half long and badly knitted as never been trimmed or cut, the skin was not infected but only bold at certain part of the skin. I could see this poor thing is not a sick dog and it's still healthy.. I wish I could do something to him/her but I was so helpless. I couldnt do anything..If I got a cage or driving a double cab.. I will take him/her away. I believe this ugly thing will look as pretty as other pure breed doggie if it received proper treatment. I wondered wat a cruel thing the owner had done to this doggie. His/ Her owner was such an idiot and unresponsible person!!! Really bad and useles owner !! and if I saw this poor little thing again for the third time.. I will do something ....