Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Treasure every moment

23 June 2009, 4:43pm
Time to update my blog again.. there were lot of things, events and etc happened recently until I hardly recalled back .. So, I will only remarks here those sweet memories in my mind that I still remember deep in my heart..

Back to 16 June 2009, Man's 32nd Birthday
Today is Man's 32nd birthday.. I give thanks to God for keeping him safe in His arms for 32 years...providing him with all that he needs as well as good health.. I also want to thanks God for healing him after suffered so long from virus infection recently.. I pray that God would continue to grant him good health and protect him from all kind of diceases as I still need to go through another 32 yrs + 32 yrs with him.. without him life for me will be filled with loneliness and sadness... I thanks God for being our counsellor and provider in our relationship for 8 years.. there were so much of ups and downs emerged in our relationship in these 8 years but God is so gracious and faithfull in our relationship that He is able to turn everything from bad to good.. this is my prayer to God that He will continue to provide us with a loving and caring heart among each other, honesty and most important of all... loyalty and faithfullness in our heart.. I also want to thanks Man for loving me with an uncondition love in these 8 years..I hope that this love will continue to grow in our hearts as long as we live...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Seeking God's Answer

11 June 2009, 11:51pm
back again.. I was told by my brother that he saw spider web in my blog yesterday. Well, I didnt update my blog for quite sometimes as I have so much to write and dunno where to start. But anyway, I just started with wat's on my mind now.. Ok. these few weeks happened a lot of things in my life.. first, I went for the National Officers Retreat cum AGM last week in Sibu and my spirit was moved and touched by all the sharings and testimonies that I heard there.. but one thing I need to seek God's guidiance..our application to be registered under the ROY (Registrar of Youth) was rejected due to several reasons and now our movement will remains in ROS (Registrar of Society) which was at the very beginning voted by the Sabah Group Council and I think it is God's will that after all these voting and discussion and finally came to an answer. I praise God for this where by remaining in ROS our membership will not be affected and our officers and captains which is above 40 yrs old can still carry on with their duties. Now come to my point, at first when captain Carol announced this incident which the post I remember was during the church carolling last year Dec 2008 and asked me to be the captain. I was totally not ready and couldnt accept the post but after so much of discussion and encouragements I finally started to accept this post and pray about it..but after a few months and now back from the retreat in Sibu and finally got to know where the post of captain need not to be changed. I was so happy and glad that I dont need to take up the challenge but thats not the end. .from my point of view I can sense that Cpt Carol wants me to take up the post eventhough the rules remains the same but my heart refused to accept it. It changed immediately.. So, I really need God's guidiance for this matter. Seriously, I really not ready for this challenge. I am a shy person, I hate church council meeting, I definitely dislike speaking in front of many.. but yet God placed me in this situation ..to be a captain..